
About me

This is the homepage of Ruoyu Li (Roy, 李若愚). I am a final-year Ph.D. candidate in Computer Science at Tsinghua University, where I am part of Smart Internet Group (SIG) and advised by Professor Yong Jiang and Doctor Qing Li. I am also a research intern at Peng Cheng Laboratory (PCL). In 2019, I received the M.S. degree in Computer Science (Security Track) from Columbia University, where I was advised by Professor Henning Schulzrinne (IEEE & ACM Fellow) and Doctor Gaston Ormazabal. In 2017, I received the B.Eng. degree in Information Security from Huazhong University of Science and Technology, where I was advised by Professor Peng Xu.

I am on job market now and seeking for postdoc/AP positions! Feel free to contact me :-)

Research Interests

  • Network Security: encrypted traffic analysis, intrusion/anomaly detection
  • IoT Security: smart home security, IoT botnet, home automation, privacy sniffing
  • Programmable Networking: programmable data plane, in-network intelligence
  • Explainable AI: global/local explanation, rule extraction


  • 05/2024: I was awarded a Student Travel Grant to attend INFOCOM 2024!
  • 05/2024: Our paper DeviceRadar is accepted by IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking!
  • 12/2023: Our paper Genos is accepted by INFOCOM 2024!
  • 09/2023: Our paper about rule extraction is accepted by NeurIPS 2023!
  • 07/2023: Our paper Dryad is accepted by ICNP 2023!
  • 07/2023: Our paper SmartUDI is accepted by Ubicomp/IMWUT 2023!
  • 06/2023: Our survey paper on DDoS defense is accepted by Computer Networks!
  • 05/2023: Our paper HorusEye is accepted by USENIX Security 2023!
  • 01/2023: Our paper IoTBeholder is accepted by Ubicomp/IMWUT 2023!
  • 07/2022: Our paper IoTEnsemble is accepted by ESORICS 2022!